Monday 18 May 2015

Organisations and Social Media

How does your organisation use social media marketing in their business. Is it encouraged for every team to do it or is run specifically out of a marketing area?

At BAE it is encouraged that all teams use their chosen social media platforms to spread the message about the different area of the business to the people in their industryy the public and many more.

There isn't a prefered universal method into how social media marketing should be done as every organisation is different with different objectives and target areas. Though it is important as a person in your organisation that you think whether or not the current way of doing social media marketing in your organisation is really all that effective and/or efficient, is it achieving the most it could achieve.

Thursday 14 May 2015

#Trends #Hashtags

Does Social Media Marketing have to be just for orgainsation? No! It can be utilised for any purpose such as #LeanInTogether a hashtag created to link yogether all types information on social media about the campaign started by Sheryl Sandberg of female empowerment. Lean In Together is all about men supporting  equality with the hashtag being used to share information and tips to men about supporting women and furthering equality. It utilise social media marketing as a conerstone in delivering in its message and would be consider integral to its success in reaching a large audience. #LeanInTogether is just one example of the success social media marketing can play in situations outside of a business enviroment.

Tuesday 12 May 2015


Which one?

The thing with Social Media is that it is so vasts there are so many different kinds of platforms even if they share similar attributes, there are just so many that it can be overwhelming in deciding which should be used for an organisations social media marketing.

There are many factors that depend on obviously popularity of the platform, will you find your target audience on it? Does it have the ability to be useful to achieving the desired objectives or is it lacking in the ability to communicate your message. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Facebook Game Adverts

A very useful tool that a number of game organisation use is to advertise through social media on Facebook there products. They have the ability to narrow and direct their social media marketing efforts towards a certain audience in using facilities already available to them from the particular social media platforms.
Facebook and a number of its connected apps in particular allows organisation to view information which is available on a users public profile. This intern gives organisation information on a large variety of users so as to know which would be considered appealing to them. The image below offers an example of Facebook's way of recommending games after viewing and analysing the users details and other games it has accessed through Facebook.

Friday 1 May 2015

Is your message getting out there?

Its' something anyone with a social media marketing plan needs to ask themselves, If what they are presenting on the different mediums/platforms is being seen or even being seen by the right people. Especially in this age where there is so much going on in social media people may not even be reading your post or tweet or just scrolling past. It isn't something easily checked yes there are methods spoken about to try and calculate the 'value' of each post/tweet such as your numbers of followers divide the number of views. Though do they give an actual indication of achieving what you set out to do or just indicate how many people have seen (skimmed) the post or tweet. Then there is re-tweets, shares, plus's and likes and all the methods each individual platform creates so as to make it easier for people to identify if someone agrees/enjoys the post. Its still not a full proof way to understand if you've accomplished what was set out to be achieved.

Wednesday 22 April 2015


Flinders University have this year created a 'Flinders Laneway' for their staff and students full of food vans and coffee carts one of the ways in which they go about advertising this on social media besides the adverts on the University facebook page is by creating hashtags and having them displayed around the university as seen in the picture. Through doing this they are creating interaction between their target market with their brand while also creating ways in which people can spread the word of the new facilities

Tuesday 7 April 2015


Hey everyone

Hope you'll had a good Easter away or at home or if you don't celebrate just enjoyed the break!

I myself had a lovely Easter and went to a local football game the team I support Glenelg Football Club had been using social media marketing platforms in the lead up to the game so as to advertise their game both through their Facebook page and by creating an event that people could click attending and then invite their Facebook friends aswell.

Glenelg Football Club Event