Friday 1 May 2015

Is your message getting out there?

Its' something anyone with a social media marketing plan needs to ask themselves, If what they are presenting on the different mediums/platforms is being seen or even being seen by the right people. Especially in this age where there is so much going on in social media people may not even be reading your post or tweet or just scrolling past. It isn't something easily checked yes there are methods spoken about to try and calculate the 'value' of each post/tweet such as your numbers of followers divide the number of views. Though do they give an actual indication of achieving what you set out to do or just indicate how many people have seen (skimmed) the post or tweet. Then there is re-tweets, shares, plus's and likes and all the methods each individual platform creates so as to make it easier for people to identify if someone agrees/enjoys the post. Its still not a full proof way to understand if you've accomplished what was set out to be achieved.

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